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Pubblicato il 06/05/2009 alle 15:13:56Commenti alla notizia: Leggi - Inserisci nuovo

Faith No More, dal festival Rock In Idro la voglia di dire ancora qualcosa di importante nel rock che conta!

di: Giancarlo Passarella

E' vero: ci saranno Lacuna Coil, Gogol Bordello, Social Distortion, The Flogging Molly ed il ritorno on stage dei Limp Bizkit, ma siamo certi che la scena saranno i Faith No More a rubarla! Back, God Forbid, into the monkey cage!

E' vero: ci saranno Lacuna Coil, Gogol Bordello, Social Distortion, The Flogging Molly ed il ritorno on stage dei Limp Bizkit, ma siamo certi che la scena saranno i Faith No More a rubarla! Back, God Forbid, into the monkey cage!

Mike Patton, Billy Gould, Mike Bordin, Roddy Bottum e Jon Hudson stanno vivendo momenti di vera tensione: tutti gli fanno i complimenti e gli dicono che era ora che i Faith No More ritornassero a graffiare nello showbiz internazionale! Si vocifera che addirittura stanno gia' pianificando un tour massiccio in Nord america, ma noi intanto godiamoci la loro presenza al Rock in Idro, manifestazione che alla sua prossima terza edizione cosi' si presentera'...

BABYSHAMBLES (esclusiva italiana)
Social Distortion
Gogol Bordello
All American Rejects
The Gaslight Anthem
The Flogging Molly
+ More...
Prezzo del biglietto: 35 euro + diritti di prevendita

FAITH NO MORE (reunion)
LIMP BIZKIT (reunion)
Lacuna Coil
Bring Me The Horizon
Parkway Drive
Prezzo del biglietto: 45 euro + diritti di prevendita

Abbonamento: 70 euro + diritti di prevendita, una formula che ci sentiamo di suggerirvi!

Ritornando ai Faith No More, ecco come stanno annunciando sul loro sito ufficiale il momento magico che stanno vivendo ...
Faith No More has always stood out as some sort of unique beast; part dog, part cat—its music almost as schizophrenic as the personalities of its members. When it all worked, it worked really well, even if the chemistry was always volatile. Throughout our 17years of existence, the mental and physical energy required to sustain this creature was considerable and relentless. Though amicable enough, when we finally split, we all followed paths seemingly destined to opposite ends of the universe. Yet during the entire 10 years that have passed since our decision to break up we've experienced constant rumors and requests from fans and promoters alike. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, none of us kept in regular touch, much less to discuss any possibilities of getting together.

What's changed is that this year, for the first time, we've all decided to sit down together and talk about it. And what we've discovered is that time has afforded us enough distance to look back on our years together through a clearer lens and made us realize that through all the hard work, the music still sounds good, and we are beginning to appreciate the fact that we might have actually done something right. Meanwhile we find ourselves at a moment in time with zero label obligations, still young and strong enough to deliver a kickass set, with enthusiasm to not only revisit our past but possibly add something to the present. And so with this we've decided to hold our collective breaths and jump off this cliff....

We can only hope that the experience of playing together again will yield results erratic and unpredictable enough to live up to the legacy of Faith No More. Who know where this will end or what it will bring up...only the future knows. But we are about to find out!

I Faith No More sono tornati assieme a Febbraio dopo quasi undici anni di inattività: il loro tour inizierà il 12 Giugno dalla Gran Bretagna. Il bassista Billy Gould su Twitter ha confermato che il nome scelto e' Faith No More, The Second Coming tour 2009

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