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Pubblicato il 21/07/2008 alle 19:37:13Commenti alla notizia: Leggi - Inserisci nuovo

Buon compleanno a Cat Stevens, ora Yusuf Islam accusato di essere un bigotto sessista

di: Giancarlo Passarella

Nasce come Steve Georgiou il 21 Luglio 1947, ma come Cat Stevens ha allietato musicalmente al nostra gioventu'! Ora l'agenzia WENN World Entertainment News Network l'ha accusato di non voler lavorare con le donne prive di velo sul volto.

Nasce come Steve Georgiou il 21 Luglio 1947, ma come Cat Stevens ha allietato musicalmente al nostra gioventu'! Ora l'agenzia WENN World Entertainment News Network l'ha accusato di non voler lavorare con le donne prive di velo sul volto.

Compleanno in agrodolce per il grande interprete di Wild World o Father and Son. Soprattutto il casto Independent ha puntato il dito su questa situazione che sembra anacronistica, anche se come Yusuf Islam gia' negli anni scorsi ha assunto posizioni integraliste. Nessuna nostra opinione al riguardo, ma giornalisticamente ne comunichiamo l'accaduto... Yusuf Islam - the singer formally known as Cat Stevens - today accepted substantial undisclosed libel damages over a claim that he was a sexist bigot who refused to speak to any women not wearing a veil....

Adam Tudor da testualmente dichiarato ..Mr Islam has never had any difficulties working with women, whether for religious or any other reasons. In his normal life, women feature among some of the most influential people in Mr Islam's team....

Mr Tudor said that the article was distributed by the agency World Entertainment News Network (WENN) to subscribers, including the website, which boats 2.2 million page views a month.
It suggested that Mr Islam was so sexist and bigoted that he refused at an awards ceremony to speak to - or even acknowledge - any women who were not wearing a veil. It also suggested that his manager had stated: "Mr Islam doesn't speak with women except his wife. Least of all if they don't wear a headscarf. Things like that only happen via an intermediary."
Mr Tudor said this statement was simply never made.... Unsurprisingly, the article caused Mr Islam considerable embarrassment and distress, particularly given that it had the effect not only of creating an utterly false impression of his attitude to women, but because it cast serious aspersions, quite wrongly, on his religious faith, which is a matter of the utmost importance to him.... He said that WENN and Ltd had already published apologies and had agreed to pay substantial damages - which were to be donated to the charity Small Kindness - and Mr Islam's legal costs. Mr Islam was not in court

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