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Pubblicato il 26/03/2008 alle 12:52:33 | |
Grandi elogi dalla web zine scozzese Infuzed al rock barese dei One Way Ticket
Scrive Kizzy Higgins che ...I think their very talented, per poi sottolineare che...Music is music no matter what language it’s in and I really enjoyed listening to One Way Ticket. Ha ragione e tutta U.d.U. Records la ringrazia!
Scrive Kizzy Higgins che ...I think their very talented, per poi sottolineare che...Music is music no matter what language it’s in and I really enjoyed listening to One Way Ticket. Ha ragione e tutta U.d.U. Records la ringrazia!
Aveva ragione il nostro diretur Giancarlo Passarella ad affermare che Infuzed e' davvero una realta' sveglia e ben attenta: anche se sono di lingua inglese, apprezzando chi cerca di cantare al meglio nel loro idioma, ma con i One Way Ticket siamo andati oltre, perche' il quartetto barese canta in italiano...
Nella recensione del cd FASE DI DECOLLO leggiamo su Infuzed che ...Its good too see and hear good rock music thriving anywhere in the world and I just happened to be introduced to this one a little bit ago. The music has this intensity that runs through it; the vocals are powerful yet identifiable. Get ready for the guitar riffs to blow your ears away as their full on powerful and up close. They have a classic, yet alternative feel to their music which is great to hear. One Way Ticket is definitely worth checking out for yourself, if you’re a true fan of rock music!...
Ma andando piu' a fondo, si legge nella recensione delle riflessioni che ci fanno bene all'animo ...Kicking off this is Serenata Ironica alla luna, it begins with these sweet guitar riffs reminiscent to a Hendrix’s kind of psychedelic style. The vocals are slick, deep and twist and turn and just the right moments to make the sound explosive and in your face. This is a great opener; it shakes your ears open and gives you just a tease for what else awaits you..........Stagioni Diverse comes in next, it begins much quieter at first compared to the first and then out of no where blasts in at a steady pace. The vocals are almost hypnotic in nature; they draw you in and hook you into listening intently. I love the short blasts of guitar that interweave in and out; they really give the song different levels and seem to almost sting the senses alongside the vocals.... Following on is Gocce d’Ombra which gives the listener a chance to hear things slow down, you can really hear everyone in this piece, the vocals stand out well on display as well. If it weren’t for the distinctiveness in the vocals, you’d almost think you were listening to a different band. But, later on the strength comes flowing back and the heaviness comes back, but not too much, it’s just right to give this a little kick. I love the shouting explosiveness of the vocals, really amazing. Then it all seems to slow down again and mellow out, a fab tune!...
Come potete intuire l'analisi della recensione non e' superficiale, ma si addentra nell'interno della canzone, nonostante LO RIPETIAMO sia cantata in italiano. Prosegue Kizzy Higgins su Infuzed... Deserto starts off in this warped computerized manner, before kicking it back to those well loved guitar riffs that explode into action. This one sweeps and moves in different directions and flows really well. Every element of their work is strong; they all gel so well together. This along with their other songs must be really something to see live.....Lastly heard is Vertigine and this one goes back to the every so mellower sound they do just as well as the loud stuff. The tempo is outstanding; there isn’t any part out of place. I liked when the song picked up and things got faster and the vocals grew louder, I think this is their strength and will get people listening and paying attention. A great way to end it all here for me!
Grande gioia per queste ultime considerazioni, ma la recensione va a concludersi con altri elogi ...Even if you know little or no Italian at all, you can definitely appreciate the hard work that has gone in; you can feel it through the intensity of the vocals and backdrop. Music is music no matter what language it’s in and I really enjoyed listening to One Way Ticket. I think their very talented and stick to what works for them and do it well and explosively. I would definitely listen to more from them!
Grazie a tutti: abbiamo il cuore gonfio di gioia! Ora questa gioia invadera' tutta Bari ....
Articolo letto 5093 volte
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