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Pubblicato il 30/08/2008 alle 09:57:36
Il metal festival Rock of Ages parte con i Tygers of Pan Tang del nostro Jacopo Meille
di Giancarlo Passarella
Il fuoco alle polveri il 6 Settembre a Birmingham, per poi passare nel Galles per 4 date: l'anno scorso ci furono anche le Girlschool e Blaze Bayley (ex Iron Maiden). Quest'anno sono previsti anche i Waysted con Pete Way degli storici UFO.

Il fuoco alle polveri il 6 Settembre a Birmingham, per poi passare nel Galles per 4 date: l'anno scorso ci furono anche le Girlschool e Blaze Bayley (ex Iron Maiden). Quest'anno sono previsti anche i Waysted con Pete Way degli storici UFO.

Quante ne ha fatte Jacopo Meille per arrivare a questi livelli! Ora e' il momento di giocarsela tutta ed in questo vedo un nesso con la nostra Fiorentina: finalmente siamo in Champions League... nell'Olimpo che conta e... i rischi sono molti, ma ce la dobbiamo giocare! Guardiamo lontano, cosi' come la foto che lo ritrae oggi suggerisce..!

Ecco il calendario del tour del Rock of Ages:
6 set 2008 dalle 12.00 ROCK OF AGES FEST 2008 (18+ VENUE!) Birmingham, Midlands
7 set 2008 dalle 12.00 ROCK OF AGES FEST 2008 (18+ VENUE!) Birmingham, Midlands
5 ott 2008 dalle 19.00 Club Barco - ROA Fest’s Festival Taster Evening Swansea, Wales
20 giu 2009 dalle 13.00 ROCK OF AGES FEST 2009 @ BARCO 2 Swansea, Wales
21 giu 2009 dalle 13.00 ROCK OF AGES FEST 2009 @ BARCO 2 Swansea, Wales
8 ago 2009 dalle 11.00 ROA STAGE @ GATHERING IN THE PARK - STAGE 2 Neath, Wales

Le band che si esibiscono il 6 Settembre a Birmingham sono le seguenti: Tygers Of Pan Tang, Avenger, Mr Fixit, Burn, Gypsy Pistoleros, New Generation Superstars, Waysted, Clive Aid's Winner...
Il 7 nello stesso luogo tocchera' a Blitzkrieg, Stairway, Liquid Sky, Steve Grimmet's "Grim Reaper", Fury UK, Psychowrath, Hanging Doll, Spiral Dive, Rock$tar.

Charitable festival “Rock Of Ages Fest” was finally brought to fruition on a Sunday morning in February 2007 after “Rock Of Ages Entertainment” founder Steven Nagle decided he’d had enough of waiting for corporate sponsors to jump onboard. After 12 years of networking, planning and preparation for the “Rock Of Ages Entertainment” brand stretching back to when Steve was a guitarist and songwriter at the age of 12, the time had come when Steve decided that bringing large companies onboard to launch “Rock Of Ages Fest” as a major festival in it’s first year was no longer an option, and as such, Steve woke up one sunny but cold February morning and decided “f**k it, there is going to be a “”Rock Of Ages Fest” this year’, and so it was to be.

Having confirmed 80’s NWOBHM icons “Girlschool” and ex-Iron Maiden vocalist Blaze Bayley alongside Wolfsbane for a one-off reunion at The Palace in Tamworth, publicity sponsors rolled in thick and fast including Planet Rock, Rock 24-7 Online, Tri Rock Radio, Radio Caroline, Pandora’s Rock Box,,, The Rock Show, The Metalhead Show, Sonicbids and ARFM.... adding to the publicity was national press and broadcast media coverage on local news, as well as regular articles in The Tamworth Herald (courtesy of Nicola Robinson), as well as coverage in Kerrang Magazine, Kerrang Radio, TotalRock Radio, Classic Rock Magazine and others. Media mentions and coverage for the festival was also discovered in the United States of America, Canada, Germany, Norway, Brazil and Australia, and the event featured a line-up bursting to the rafters with incredible talent including Girlschool, Wolfsbane, Blaze Bayley, Dante Fox, The Satin Dolls, Fiori, Rock$tar, Lost In Vegas, The Latch, Mr Fixit, Morph, Stairway, Sacred Heart, New Generation Superstar, Jack Viper, Fuckshovel, Melonfarmer and Daz Rigo. The 500-capacity event was a huge success and a fantastic networking opportunity, as well as being plugged to the ends of the earth as a fundraising festival aimed at raising money for the charity “Cancer Research UK”.

Following on from 2007’s successes, we are already looking ahead to a glorious 2008 for the brand, who will celebrate in style with “Rock Of Ages Fest 2008”, which will be held in Birmingham, rather than Tamworth, to provide easier access to the event for many people. All of our events benefit a charity. Although the organisation itself is a for-profit organisation, we believe the entertainment industry, which rakes in tens of billions each year, has a responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. As such our “Rock Of Ages Fest” festivals benefit the charity “Cancer Research UK” and the “Rock Of Ages Xmas Bash” events benefit various charities.

We are also looking into holding a national “Battle Of The Bands” contest at some stage around the entire country which will also benefit the same charity and which will be organised in collaboration with a record label and print media.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates and events!
Regards Steve, Director Rock Of Ages Entertainment

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