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Pubblicato il 25/06/2008 alle 07:53:14
Per i Mercury Rev un Settembre caldo e denso di produzioni discografiche
di Eodele Graziani
La conferma arriva da loro ..On September 29, 2008, MERCURY REV will release their seventh studio album, SNOWFLAKE MIDNIGHT, a set of nine self-luminous and astonishing new lo stesso giorno l'altro album nuovo Strange Attractor's ...

La conferma arriva da loro ..On September 29, 2008, MERCURY REV will release their seventh studio album, SNOWFLAKE MIDNIGHT, a set of nine self-luminous and astonishing new lo stesso giorno l'altro album nuovo Strange Attractor's ...

Due album nello stesso giorno. Il settimo ufficiale si intitola Snowflake Midnight e lo si compra nei normali canali distributivi, ma contemporanemente l'ottavo album della loro carriera sara' gratuitamente scaricabile e si intitolera' Strange Attractor's.

Also on September 29, MERCURY REV will release STRANGE ATTRACTOR, the 11 song, full-length companion album to SNOWFLAKE MIDNIGHT absolutely FREE for MP3 download. While still conscious of its 'other', STRANGE ATTRACTOR'S own radiance reflects an even subtler kind of self-organization, its own ground state of order not immediately perceived but rather felt over the course of a complete listen. The less said and the more listened, the better...This album is totally friggin' FREE to download for anyone who chooses to do so.

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