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Pubblicato il 11/03/2008 alle 11:32:11
L'alternative garage grunge rock dei lucchesi Acid Brains ben recensito dal web magazine scozzese Infuzed
di Giancarlo Passarella
Firmata da Gavin H., la recensione del primo cd The end of the show riempie di soddisfazione sia la band di Stefano Giambastiani, sia tutta U.d.U. records, la nostra etichetta che nel frattempo ha stampato anche il loro secondo cd.

Firmata da Gavin H., la recensione del primo cd The end of the show riempie di soddisfazione sia la band di Stefano Giambastiani, sia tutta U.d.U. records, la nostra etichetta che nel frattempo ha stampato anche il loro secondo cd.

Davvero una gran bella recensione, sia perche' realizzata da un madrelingua inglese, sia perche' ogni canzone viene sviscerata ed analizzata sino nell'intimo. Eravamo abituati alle recensioni di Kizzy Higgins, ma anche questo Gavin ci sembra ben preparato. Scrive tra l'altro..

Acid Brains are an alternative-rock noise band that have played more than 135 gigs in Italy, recorded compilations and even done radio. The sound is loud and gritty, most definitely not for the faint hearted; if you like it explosive and in your face, then this is just the band for you.
Behind the door opens the album, it starts off relatively calm but soon everything becomes bigger, louder and faster. There is a throbbing, pulsating wave of sound that drives throughout and I can imagine people jumping and head banging along to this one.
Next in is Still Alive which is thoughtful and moody in ways. Soon there is a dirty grungy aspect to the sound. This is quite dark, yet a driving melody flows and takes the song. At the quieter times we get a chance to hear the vocals a bit more which exude great emotion.
That's my dirty way is a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde kind of number as there is melody with vocals which are a bit of a cacophony of throbs and thumps, we then get some lighter lead guitar which works well.
Moving on is Live to leave which sounds a bit like a rolling thunder crowd coming over the horizon. It's rumbling and rolling and quite fast paced stuff. Again I'd have to say one to jump along to. It would be nice, I feel at times that without the dirty distorted backing music, the vocals sometimes get lost. When in this track there is a break in the music, to a lighter tone we are treated to vocals and a sound similar to the band Incubus. There is some nice lead guitars too, its just the parts without the distortion are too short, the song would have better balance with more of the quiet bits mixed in which I enjoyed.
Following on is B-side which is just a spiraling instrumental that helps break up the album.
In her eyes starts off quite melodic and still maintains tunefulness even when the bigger distorted guitars join in. I'd definitely say this is a more balanced track and there is a good marriage between the music and the vocals. Starting off quite moody and dark is Am I ingenuous? At times the vocals and music get lost in one another. The overall tempo feels like a march, there are some nice big heavy guitar licks which drive the song well.
Your dreams is next and I like the backing vocal additions in this one and think more harmonies could help in some of the other songs here as extra dimension is definitely added. This song marries together a good mixture of light, dark, thoughtful and grungy which gives a good balance to the song.
Next, So lucky has quite an addictive opening wave of guitar work which gets you moving along to the sound. This song will certainly have the ability to get others moving and is driven by the guitars throughout.
Out of this world is quite a thoughtful number that again makes good use of backing vocals. There is emotion in the track and the chorus is quite anthemic.
Next is Sheep a song that seems to start at a hundred miles an hour and keeps up a fantastic frenetic tempo throughout. This is a loud rocking tune that has a bit of a screaming within.
Call me now is the last track to be heard on the album and is a very vibrant and well balanced number. It's tuneful, yet rocking and sweeps you along quite nicely.
Going on this album, the band prove to be well put together, but still leave lots of room for creative growth and expansion. Even though this kind of sound is fading in the background at the moment, I feel that it could just make a come back through this. Interesting stuff!

Ringrazio personalmente tutta la redazione di Infuzed: sono curioso di leggere la loro recensione di Far away, il secondo cd degli Acid Brains uscito per la nostra U.d.U. Records....

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